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book of henok in amharic pdf

So I was looking for a PDF file of the Book of Henok and eventually found an Amharic version. It is very exciting and provides significant insights into who we are as Ethiopians from a cultural perspective. It will be available to download from this site for those who want to read it in the original language. This is the link to the PDF version; Book of Henok (Amharic) Just click on the links below to get the free PDF e-book;- or download it directly without waiting for the browser to prompt you:-The Ethiopic text of the book was first edited by F.C. Burkitt in 1920. Book of Henok is listed as a separate book in several versions of the Ethiopic Bible, but its canonicity has been questioned by some scholars who note that it does not appear in the canonical lists of either Athanasius of Alexandria or Cyril of Jerusalem, and also appears to contain significant structural differences from the First Book of Enoch (the Book of Watchers). This has led to debate about whether Henok is a valid work of the Ethiopian Church. This argument was first raised by E.A. Wallis Budge in his edition of the Ethiopic bible, but was later discussed and disputed by A. S. Yahuda and J. C. VanderKam in an article published in "Journal of Semitic Studies". The two scholars quickly reached different conclusions regarding the canonicity of the book, with Yahuda concluding that there is no reason not to accept it as canonical and VanderKam concluding that it may be unreliable as a source for information about ancient Jewish beliefs and practices. The only extended study of the book itself is a 60-page study published by R. H. Charles in 1896, who argued that the book can be included in the canon, but he never completed his full translation of the work. The only authoritative translation into English is that which was published by VanderKam and Flint (see below). eccc085e13

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